On viral marketing

April 18, 2010 § Leave a comment

I am reading this excellent book, ” Chasing Cool: Standing out in Today’s Cluttered Marketplace” by Noah Kerner and Gene Pressman. It is an excellent tome on the different aspects of high profile marketing and what works and what doesn’t. The real value of the book lies in the different real world examples of successful and botched marketing campaigns that have pervaded the media stream the last few years and an almost case study like analysis of each of them.

A couple of quotations from the book to whet the readers appetite.

On viral marketing and the new wave marketing techniques:

Puma’s Antonio Bertone, “Anything you try to microwave will lead to microwave quality. In other words, quick marketing fixes wont solve deep product issues“.

Michael Lewis, Target,” A product has to deliver on the promises of its communications. Period“.

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